Wavey was a very brave six year old, much braver than her mother would have been, as the dentist gave her numerous shots to deaden the area before pulling her upper front tooth. The tooth still had its root so it left a big hole in her gum. She only cried when it was over and said it wasn't because it hurt but because she was scared. It broke my heart! Today, thankfully, was a much better day. She's enjoyed the attention of everyone wanting to see the hole along with the spot of her missing bottom tooth she pulled by herself yesterday before her dentist appointment.

I know this looks nasty, but I just can't get over how big the tooth was that was pulled. The one on the left is the bottom tooth she pulled yesterday morning. Like most baby teeth you pull, what you see in the photo is mainly what you could see in her mouth. The one on the right is the one the dentist pulled. W grinds her teeth and has ground her two front top teeth down to the point that there is very little sticking out past the gums. The arrows show how much of the tooth was actually exposed from the gums. The rest was the root, or whatever you call it on a baby tooth.
On the bright side, the tooth fairy did stop by and leave her some money for the pain and suffering. I'm sure a new DS game is in the future.
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